Do life that’s so (authentically) YOU!

Photo: Matt Howard on Unsplash

I’m Simone Eiman: a life, emotional well-being and consciousness coach.

I empower you to transform your life holistically to build self-confidence (worth), uncover your unique strengths, break through barriers and create the life you desire.

Emerald Connection Simone Eiman image the next step in your life journey by Harriet

Are you still feeling stuck and not quite where you want or need to be despite DIY’ing your self-growth?

It’s like you’re jumping from 1 rabbit hole to the next – your mind overflowing with information, but not knowing how to apply it or why it’s not working.

You could elevate your growth journey and navigate your path with a partner and guide to experience more fulfilment and focus on what truly matters to you.

As a soul-centred guide, with a framework that works, I can help you unlock your full potential and live a life that zings for you. You’ll be empowered to shed old patterns, thoughts, and beliefs weighing you down through tailored tools, processes, and intuitive guidance.

Let me help you make transformative changes and unlock insights to align with a more authentic expression of who you are. Embrace the possibilities and see what’s really possible. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

What does authenticity have to do with it, I hear you ask?

Everything! Living life according to external expectations and rules stifles our authentic flames. We each have a unique design, a specific energetic signature. So shaping yourself to conform to others’ ways of being is out of alignment with your unique signature.

If you want to feel confident, more self-aware and emotionally resilient, you must shed the layers of social conditioning and programming. If you believe you need to follow the norms or not rock the boat and everything will be OK, you remain WHO YOU WERE PROGRAMMED TO BE.

Are you ready to rock the boat anyway so you can create a more aligned and purposeful life?

This means choosing to:

  • Live with a confidence that radiates from knowing your worth.

  • Forgive, accept, love and value yourself unconditionally.

  • Recognise your inherent worth through deep self-awareness – you’re always good enough.

  • Stop feeling pressured to meet others’ expectations and constantly needing to prove yourself.

  • Enjoy freedom and a fulfilling soul-aligned life by letting go of fears and feelings of inadequacy.

  • Appreciate that life is not about being perfect; but acknowledging continuous growth as a step closer to where you want to be.

But you’re still struggling to achieve this because you’re:

  • Starting and restarting the same goals only to fall back into old patterns and you just can’t figure out why. Thinking: I’ll start next Monday, next…

  • Doubting yourself and constantly needing to prove or improve yourself by pursuing goals others perceive to be valuable (education, jobs, relationships, etc).

  • Emotionally oversensitive/reactive and avoiding truth or confrontation at all costs.

  • Repressing your own needs, emotions, and desires by taking hasty actions and regretting decisions later.

  • Relentlessly pursuing perfection and comparing to others because you feel undervalued. Thinking: I will be worthy/perfect when…

  • Over-analysing things and feeding the negative internal chatter (stuck in the mind).

  • Struggling with personal boundaries and the guilt or fear of saying ‘No’.

I see you’re nodding along as you’re reading this; you’re on the right path.

Because you know and feel that there’s more; more than just work and the everyday mundane. You want to tap into something deeper and you’re searching for the right way for you to do this.

There is a way to break free and I can help you pave the way for your empowered journey ahead. Through my process, we work through releasing the limiting patterns and perspectives that keep you out of alignment with your true self and accessing the deeper parts of you that keep you aligned.

You’re not alone on this journey. I get it, believe me.

When I started my self-discovery journey I struggled with low self-esteem, fear of expressing myself, emotional reactivity and very little confidence as a result. But with help, I started seeing my true self and my worth. It was not easy to face all my “stuff”, but my coach created the space I needed to go there.

Then my magic happened. I connected with my courage and resilience which helped me push through anger, resentment, overwhelm, people-pleasing, feeling stuck and lacking purpose and direction.

Now I live my life on my terms: understanding my unique design and how to use my innate strength and wisdom to push through whatever comes my way.


Ready to reinvent yourself and craft a new way of being?

Then you’re all set to start living your full potential by being purposeful, soul-aligned and unapologetic.
Combining a nurturing growth space rooted in trust, compassion, and honesty with your dedication and effort, creates the spark that brings YOUR magic to life!

A life coaching partnership creates the space to allow you to dig deep as you untangle yourself from old beliefs, stories and patterns. The clarity that emerges guides you towards purposeful action that shapes the life you desire.


A non-cookie-cutter approach where processes, strategies and tools are customised for you according to your specific needs to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.


Aligning the heart and mind is essential for transformation and expansion, guiding you towards a life of greater fulfilment and purpose.


Body, heart, mind, and soul: An integrated approach to help you discover YOUR centre by addressing all aspects of your being, paving the way for holistic growth and fulfilment.

EMERALD CONNECTION COACHING AND CONSULTING Home Page Pebblebrook with lilles image

As founder of Emerald Connection Life Coaching, I’m on a mission.

Working with clients to create new ways of being is my passion – ways that set them free from the shoulds and shouldn’ts that stifle authentic expression. It absolutely lights me up when clients break through restrictive and outdated social conditioning patterns.

My self-discovery journey over the past 3 decades, has allowed me to create the Emerald RenewMe Framework that helps clients shift their perspectives, thought and behaviour patterns which help them take meaningful action in their lives. I value authenticity and believe that each of us MUST find our true self – our true worth. It’s only from this place that your life can have meaning.

Read more about why I do what I do.

Read what my clients are saying about their coaching experiences:


 My clients are happy to share their Life Coaching stories however, due to the personal and sensitive nature of their work, only first names are used to protect their privacy.

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While I was a bit hesitant at first to sign up with a life coach as I thought it might be like traditional therapy, I was drawn to Simone because of the kindness and respect shown to me. She really took the time to understand me and provide me with the best guidance.  Through her empathy and ability to just really make me feel safe and to be able to be vulnerable and not feel judged, I felt supported, seen and heard.

I really appreciate everything Simone has done for me. She helped me face some really uncomfortable emotions and situations and I’ve been able to navigate that so much better now.  In the end, I became a better version of myself that is able to navigate life a lot easier.

Lorien (South Africa)

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When I began coaching with Simone, I was feeling very frustrated with and unclear about my business. I knew I wanted to make changes, but was completely lost about what.
Simone has been incredible in guiding me to tap into what my heart is saying, and in helping me get clear about what I want. She has taught me to trust my inner compass.
Simone has such a warm, gentle way which makes you feel completely heard and understood. It is so easy to trust and open up to her. And it’s been such a blessing to have her unique perspective on things.

I highly recommend Simone’s coaching. Working with her has been a beautiful, valuable, and amazing experience!

Debbie (Australia)

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My decision to hire Simone as my life coach was influenced by her reputation as a reliable life coach, who is keen to listen and who offers life-changing strategies to help you navigate your personal life. I was hesitant at first to invest in a life coach because I thought that the challenges I faced weren’t serious enough to engage the services of a life coach. Personally, trusting a stranger with personal issues has been a great barrier for me in the past. But, it was worth it in the end. Simoné helped me identify the barriers which were preventing me from achieving a number of goals I’ve been failing to reach for years.

She helped me along by asking the right questions. The best thing for me is that she left me to come up with the answers by myself. I felt safe and trusted Simoné. She is a consummate professional who always sees the bigger picture and is able to lean on a wealth of personal experience. She truly cares about your happiness. I looked forward to my weekly sessions. It became like a regular chat with an old friend who always has your back.

Harriet (South Africa)

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I think one of the things that surprises me most about my life coaching experience, is that the journey does not stop when my session has ended, in fact, that is when her magic truly reveals itself. It feels almost impossible not to implement the insights and learnings I’ve had through the questions and discussions with Simone. My self-discovery and journey toward the future I want becomes more tangible with each session. All of a sudden the avenues I have so far explored, from therapy sessions, to self-help books, and a plethora of esoteric pursuits have been ditched or shelved – they have proved very temporary and superficial thus far and have brought me no closer to my “Nirvana”.

I have a strong sense of accountability or rather excitement because I can feel her cheering me on – I have someone on team-Nanieve. Someone whose guidance I trust implicitly, she shares my joy with each little victory I make. Who would have thought cynical me could still “course correct” at the age of 53. I am so excited about what lies ahead. Wouldn’t want a better guide on this journey called life.

Nanieve (South Africa)

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The compassion and trust which I experienced through my sessions with Simone, have given me the courage to believe in myself. To know that “I am good enough”, and to realise that what I believed, can be changed.

It has opened my eyes to numerous possibilities on this new journey.

Wilma (South Africa)

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I never thought that I would have a life coach, I guess I didn’t see the need. However, my experience with Simone Eiman as my life coach was a mind shifting one. I started seeing and thinking about life a little differently. The first difference being that I was able to do something I was unable to do for almost 15 years. Not only was I doing what I needed to do for my health but for my family’s as well.

An important learning from my sessions with Simone, is taking baby steps towards your goal is more doable and once you feel that achievement, it encourages you to keep on going – consistency is key. And if you fall off the bandwagon, it’s ok, you can get back on again and try again. Simone’s approach is very caring and honest but at the same time she is able to push you so that you get over the barriers in your life to be a better version of yourself. I recall always having a WOW moment in my sessions, where I would just have to take a moment and absorb it all.

Faatimah (South Africa)

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Thank you for providing the space for me to meet and get to know MEMy journey started off as sessions that guided me towards discovering and cultivating my passion, but soon led to a never-ending journey of self-discovery, awareness and finally acceptance and appreciation. I articulated my true values and I learned to recognise my purpose in life. I learned that if I wanted to break the cycle of the impact one’s conditioning and childhood experiences have on one’s development, I had to be that change that I wanted to experience.

Our sessions provided a safe space that allowed me to be vulnerable and helped me to cultivate (and maintain) a mindset where:  I trust my intuition;  I love and accept myself as I am;  I am enough; I accept people for who they are without wanting to change them; I focus on the present; I view ‘setbacks’ as learnings instead of failures. My journey is nowhere near its end, the path taken to reach this milestone in my life has been invaluable. Thank you, Simone.

Kirstin (United Kingdom)

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My coaching experience with Simone was amazing. She was so attentive and really made you feel that nobody else mattered when chatting with her. Her insight and different perspectives on various subjects, whether work or personal, were so insightful.

She helped me overcome many self-limiting barriers that prevented me from achieving my goals. I’m forever grateful for our sessions and definitely achieved my desired outcomes and more from these sessions. I can visualise future goals easier as I have now experienced what it feels like to achieve my goals.

Moenieb (South Africa)

What do you choose for yourself right now?

The most fulfilling life you can lead is one lived authentically. 

Let’s connect to discuss your options to rise with confidence to your full authentic potential.

Embrace ALL of who you are and do life that’s so (authentically) YOU!

Here are the life coaching services that I offer.

Perfectly YOU
Group Programme

A 6-week programme to rewrite the stories that define you and unlock your true potential. Gain valuable insights, build confidence, and embrace your authentic self in a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment.

5-Step 1:1 Emerald
RenewMe Programmes

I offer personalised coaching programmes ranging from 4 weeks to 3-6 months designed as “internal spring-cleaning” programmes. These programs are tailored for you if you’re looking to align with your authentic self and ditch self-doubt, low confidence, fear and achieve what you truly desire for your life.

Let's connect and have a chat!

Let’s discuss your options in a free 30-minute exploratory session and see how working together can kickstart your journey towards growth and fulfilment.

This complimentary consultation helps you:

  • assess your needs and whether coaching is right for you
  • answer your questions about coaching and what I offer
  • understand what to expect if you work with me
  • get a sense of our compatibility

Connect via email instead

A community where you can learn, grow, change the world and support others on the path to living our most authentic lives.

Here are answers to some of the questions you might still need a bit more clarity on:

A life coach is a collaborative partner. Your life coach will help you on your life journey by holding you accountable. This means challenging you to always bring your A-game. As a result, you maintain continuous forward motion to reach the outcomes that you have set for yourself. Also, the life coach helps you uncover the obstacles that hinder your journey. The life coach also helps you to use your strengths and talents to enable the life you want. See a life coach as a cheerleader supporting you through your transformation process, the voice of reason and some who offers a different perspective.

It may be that at this point your desire to change is greater than your desire to maintain the status quo of your life. So anyone who has a desire to change and needs help through their transformation journey, hires a life coach. Whether you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated or going through a life transition, a life coach can help you. If you’re looking for help redefining your mindset and patterns, a life coach can help you with that too.

Yes you can and no you don’t.
The life coach can help you find direction through various tools, processes and techniques. With the coach’s guidance you create your own plan with specific actions to get you where you want to be.
If you already have a plan or general direction that you want to work towards, the coach helps you refine your plan and you build in your actions that will get you there.

It’s quite the opposite really: by recognising that you need professional help in certain, or many or even all aspects of your life, shows real courage and maturity.

So while you may “feel like a failure”, recognising that there is room for improvement will get you far. We feel like failures because we can’t / struggle to live up to OTHERS’ or society in general’s expectations.

This journey will allow you to discover and experience, amongst many other things:

  • Elevated self-awareness
  • A positive self-image and confidence
  • Clarity about what you want to achieve in your life
  • Identify and develop your hidden talents and abilities
  • Identify and remove obstacles blocking your progress
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Improve your career path
  • Mind-set mastery fueling positive growth and transformation
  • Identify personal and professional goals with manageable plans/strategy
  • Purpose driven – be deliberate about the decisions you make
  • Conscious living and greater satisfaction in life
  • Increased Life balance / work-life balance
  • Improved relationships and communication skills
  • Connect to your soul purpose and sharpen your passion
Certainly not. If you are fully committed to your empowerment and transformation process, life coaching will help you grow into your greatness and connect with who you truly are. This process involves peeling back layers of conditioning, limiting assumptions, a misaligned value system and the negative rules that we employ in our lives.  Consequently, you are free and empowered to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

A life coach is not a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist of any kind that provides treatment for mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse or any other related issues. Life coaches are trained to facilitate your growth and transformation through specific tools, processes and practices. These help you evaluate your mindset and identify and overcome the obstacles that you are struggling with. Please seek out a trained mental health practitioner if you feel you need help with a serious problem.

If a client is working with a psychologist or counsellor, they may also work with a life coach in conjunction. Each of these focus on very specific dimensions of the person and can actually work quite well together for the client.

Life coaches do not dispense or prescribe medication.

Although face to face engagements are preferred by most people, online coaching engagements have many benefits. These include:

  • Clients can engage from any geographic location in the world.
  • The client can remain in an environment most comfortable to them – i.e. their home or even at the office.
  • The costs are much lower for both client and coach and stress resulting from traffic and other factors is minimal.

Because life coaching is a “non-physical” engagement, great success can be achieved virtually. With life coaching being a conversation between client and coach, only the face to face presence is missed, not the results.

Revitalise your well-being: Embark on a holistic journey to Self-Care

Sign up for this Free 5-Day Self-Care Course

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn practical strategies to prioritise your well-being. This course goes beyond traditional notions of self-care, emphasising the importance of nurturing the body, mind, heart, and soul.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of self-care and its importance.
  • Learn practical, personalised strategies to prioritise your well-being.
  • Cultivate a holistic approach to self-care that addresses all aspects of your being.
  • Connect with a supportive community and embark on a journey of self-discovery.